import { sql } from './lib'; import { env } from './env'; /** Drops all tables from the database. * if NODE_ENV!='prod' || 'production' and not --prod - then abort */ async function purge(): Promise { if (env.isProd && !process.argv.includes('--prod')) { console.error('❌ Cannot purge database in production'); process.exit(1); } let tables: string[] = []; try { console.log('Fetching table names...'); const result = await sql<{ tableName: string }[]>` SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' `; tables ={ tableName }) => tableName); } catch (err) { console.error('❌ Failed to fetch table names', err); process.exit(1); } if (!tables.length) { console.log('\n✅ No tables to purge.'); process.exit(0); } try { console.log(`Purging ${tables.length} tables:`); for (let table of tables) { console.log('- ' + table); await sql`DROP TABLE ${sql(table)} CASCADE`; } console.log('\n✅ Database purged.'); process.exit(0); } catch (err) { console.error('\n❌ Failed to purge database\n', err); process.exit(1); } } void purge();