Commit Graph

  • 37414e7d3a feat(apps): add Bottles for Windows games and apps emulation main spy4x 2024-03-24 18:14:00 +0800
  • 02d775c456 fix(apps): GitHub Copilot fix for "Failed to initiate the GitHub login process. Please try again." spy4x 2024-03-23 23:18:07 +0800
  • e0a8a1feb6 feat(apps): add "google-cloud-sdk" for TOD project spy4x 2024-03-22 14:57:16 +0800
  • d32e46f45c feat(aliases): add "open" to open files and folders spy4x 2024-03-17 00:23:56 +0800
  • 2a5d218421 feat(apps): add "zip" spy4x 2024-03-17 00:20:42 +0800
  • 49f141e750 fix(aliases): fix webp function spy4x 2024-03-17 00:20:28 +0800
  • fd698cf4cd feat(apps): add "envsubst" for my homelab build step spy4x 2024-03-17 00:08:49 +0800
  • f0d7d56e0c feat(shell): add alias to stop docker containers by name filter spy4x 2024-03-16 18:43:47 +0800
  • 580478629a refactor(shell): extract aliases into a separate file spy4x 2024-03-15 17:04:57 +0800
  • b474666e2a feat(shell): add zsh, powerlevel10k, more aliases spy4x 2024-03-15 16:58:34 +0800
  • 12ad5041da feat(home-manager): move apps and packages from nixos config inside home-manager config spy4x 2024-03-15 15:52:31 +0800
  • 46773dfbe0 fix(ssh): use home-manager to manage ssh config spy4x 2024-03-15 15:21:36 +0800
  • bd7556a682 chore(macos): remove config files for macOS (I stopped using it) spy4x 2024-03-15 12:55:22 +0800
  • 7e48596814 docs(license): add MIT license text file spy4x 2024-03-15 12:40:50 +0800
  • 6324124029 feat(nix): install Solaar with correct permissions spy4x 2024-03-15 12:40:29 +0800
  • 15e3f11fd8 feat(nix): add cache for Rclone+GoogleDrive mount spy4x 2024-03-13 16:25:31 +0800
  • 8f808b5c8c feat(nix): add Rclone for Google Drive folder sync spy4x 2024-03-12 00:59:45 +0800
  • a2a350bc59 feat(nix): add sh aliases for rsync flags spy4x 2024-03-10 20:30:36 +0800
  • 23c3f79964 feat(nix): add LocalSend (file transfer), nixpkgs-fmt (formatter for .nix) spy4x 2024-03-10 18:29:35 +0800
  • 7b833b9955 feat: remove "speedtest-rs" as inaccurate spy4x 2024-03-09 15:58:29 +0800
  • e648053771 fix: copy all .nix files before rebuild spy4x 2024-03-06 22:47:41 +0800
  • 3a66a152e7 feat: add NixOS configuration.nix file and shell script to rebuild it spy4x 2024-03-06 22:17:11 +0800
  • 614293b68e feat: add script to adjust microphone volume to 100% on macOS, to avoid "auto adjusting" Anton Shubin 2024-02-28 18:51:03 +0800
  • dce5668934
    Update Brewfile Anton Shubin 2023-09-05 00:59:19 +0800
  • 32e1e3c6f9
    Update Brewfile Anton Shubin 2023-09-05 00:55:01 +0800
  • 4c4fd22cbc feat(*): remove, custom oh-my-zsh theme, update Brewfile and README Anton Shubin 2023-07-15 14:50:17 +0800
  • 756ab197ea
    feat(Brewfile): actualize the list of apps Anton Shubin 2022-07-02 15:12:14 +0300
  • 31ce9a0232
    feat(my.zsh-theme): add aliases for tree, nx, firebase Anton Shubin 2022-07-02 15:04:50 +0300
  • 62f4cf1884 feat( install Rosetta for M1 Mac, fix path for Brew for M1/Intel Anton Shubin 2022-02-02 12:54:23 +0100
  • cb671f5947 fix(,zsh-theme): fix export "gcloud" to $PATH, remove "node" as a dependency for showing Firebase project, show Google Cloud Project ID Anton Shubin 2022-01-31 20:54:09 +0100
  • 6748b510b0
    fix( fix paths to Brew, return to current folder after execute .zshrc Anton Shubin 2022-01-27 19:00:14 +0300
  • 451d1e8378 fix( fix paths to Brew, return to current folder after execute .zshrc Artem 2022-01-27 17:44:32 +0300
  • 300d9bf7d8
    fix( configure $PATH and autocomplete for Google Cloud CLI Anton Shubin 2021-10-06 19:39:37 +0300
  • df3b259b30 Add script, Brewfile and improve oh-my-zsh theme installation Anton Shubin 2021-10-06 00:57:56 +0300
  • b8b614e799 Add "alias gst="git status -sb" Anton Shubin 2020-05-01 14:47:55 +0300
  • 759336c003 fix(.oh-my-zsh/README.MD): fix path Anton Shubin 2020-04-07 22:12:05 +0300
  • 89e863a67d fix(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): add alias for "open webstorm" Anton Shubin 2020-04-07 22:11:43 +0300
  • 32b40894c7 fix(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): add aliases for "firebase deploy", "yarn {add,remove,upgrade-interactive}" Anton Shubin 2020-04-07 22:05:20 +0300
  • 37d613f932 fix(.oh-my-zsh/custom/getFirebaseProject.js): add error handling if "firebase-tools.json" was not found Anton Shubin 2020-04-07 21:50:16 +0300
  • 191cba3ad9 feat(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): remove timestamp, because its actually useless Anton Shubin 2020-04-07 21:36:34 +0300
  • e6cb7e55f3
    feat(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): add timestamp as a prefix Anton Shubin 2019-07-29 12:46:10 +0300
  • 97277e7e9a feat(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): remove extra < and > for git branch Anton Shubin 2019-03-17 09:28:54 +0300
  • 124c0ce3e8 feat(.oh-my-zsh/custom): add output of firebase project Anton Shubin 2019-03-12 20:33:05 +0300
  • 431c8f39e6 chore(.oh-my-zsh/README.MD): write installation instruction Anton Shubin 2018-11-27 16:08:38 +0700
  • b9de7bdb60 feat(.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.zsh-theme): update theme, clean it up. Remove "spy4x.aliases.zsh" because of no use Anton Shubin 2018-11-27 16:04:41 +0700
  • 506111eeca (.zshrc): add NVM to $PATH Anton Shubin 2017-02-26 15:13:34 +0300
  • 64b27ff52b (.oh-my-zsh/custom/spy4x.aliases.zsh): remove npm and bower aliases, add yarn aliases Anton Shubin 2017-02-26 13:40:41 +0300
  • c45af50c8b add missing "zsh-theme" file and rename user to "spy4x" Anton Shubin 2017-02-26 13:30:36 +0300
  • 898f651f6b oh-my-zsh(where-to-put.png): add theme file Anton Shubin 2016-08-09 22:49:08 +0200
  • 038d030d68 oh-my-zsh(.zshrc): updates due to new version of zsh Anton Shubin 2016-08-09 22:45:40 +0200
  • c7c7c3464f oh-my-zsh - remove unused file Anton Shubin 2016-08-09 22:43:16 +0200
  • 8fd7fbea4e Make commands shorter Anton Shubin 2016-08-09 22:40:33 +0200
  • 0237441b32 add oh-my-zsh Anton Shubin 2015-11-12 21:03:55 +0300