# Dotfiles In this repo I store my config files. - `Brewfile` for macOS (I'm about to drop it). - `configuration.nix` for NixOS (a new linux distro for me, that I'm exploring as a replacement for macOS). It helps me to install quickly all software I need for work and fun. Feel free to check & alter the list of software to be installed in these files. ## Installation ### macOS/Brew 1. Install Brew from here: https://brew.sh/ 2. Copy Brewfile to your computer and run `brew bundle` from the same folder where you copied the file. 3. Run `chmod +x ./cron-adjust-microphone-gain-to-100.sh` and `./cron-adjust-microphone-gain-to-100.sh` [to change microphone gain to 100% on macOS](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/97810/mac-osx-microphone-input-volume-level-auto-adjusts-can-it-be-disabled). Note: Brew will ask you for the root password and other apps inside Brewfile might ask you for your password as well. Usually installation takes 10-20 min, so make sure to brew a cup of tea or coffee :) ### NixOS 1. `chmod +x ./build-nix.sh` 2. [Optionally] SSH Config `cp ./ssh-config.nix.example ./ssh-config.nix` and fill with your values. 3. [First run] `./build-nix.sh` or [then] just `make`